Carefully chosen summaries to energize leadership, teaching, and learning

Professional Learning

Past and Present PD Shortcomings

  1. Opening classroom doors
  2. The dubious impact of professional development
  3. A troubling report on professional development

Characteristics of Effective Professional Learning

  1. What education can learn from athletic training
  2. Planning professional learning with the end in mind
  3. How to get traction with professional development
  4. Three keys to effective professional learning

Practical Applications

  1. Thirty-five ideas for improving professional development
  2. Four ways to use a school’s internal expertise
  3. Weekly before-school professional learning in North Dakota

Innovative Practices and Cautionary Notes

  1. Lesson study thrives in a California elementary school
  2. Using a voicemail app to run cross-district book discussions
  3. Online versus in-person professional learning experiences
  4. Using blogs and Twitter to improve teaching and learning

Professional Learning Suggestions