Carefully chosen summaries to energize leadership, teaching, and learning


Math in a Changing World

  1. What students need to know today
  2. The math adults actually use
  3. Lessons with authentic problem solving

Anxiety and Mindset: Addressing Math's Bad Reputation

  1. Is math anxiety just another name for "bad at math"?
  2. Language in math classrooms that can subtly discourage students
  3. How teachers can improve students' math self-efficacy
  4. Strategies to get equitable student participation

Effective Math Teaching

  1. Orchestrating productive struggle
  2. A mid-career teacher shifts to open-ended questions
  3. Small groups of students stand up while solving problems on whiteboards
  4. The story behind Jaime Escalante’s AP calculus "miracle"

Engaging Students

  1. Teaching Pi through hands-on experimentation
  2. Leading effective math discussions
  3. Math errors that spark good classroom exchanges
  4. Using fractions to get students talking about social justice

Professional Learning Suggestions