Carefully chosen summaries to energize leadership, teaching, and learning
Praise for The Best of the Marshall Memo Website

This website offers the best of the best. No matter what subject you might wish to know more about…staff development? school leadership?... literacy? matter how technologically adept you may be, now you can immediately, easily find what you need. It's literally at your fingertips. The Best of the Marshall Memo website is a gift to the profession….and to each of us. May we make full use of it. —Roland Barth, author/educator
The Best of the Marshall Memo website will provide readers with access to some of the very best resources available for educational leaders. Practical, useful and effective, the Best of the Marshall Memo website is a treasure! —Pedro Noguera, professor of education, UCLA
How do we juggle keeping up with important issues and current research in education while facing the intense demands on our time in our daily lives in schools? The Best of the Marshall Memo website can help! This invaluable resource, designed in an easy to navigate format, provides a wealth of information to help solve problems and offer powerful professional learning. I wish I had this resource when I was principal of a large urban high school trying to plan meaningful professional development for our faculty - this website would have made my planning much easier!" —Sue Szachowicz, former principal, Brockton High School
I am encouraged to see the analyses and summaries in the Marshall Memo curated in a free, easy-to-use website that will extend the reach of important ideas and research in K-12 education to more people. For nearly 20 years, the Marshall Memo newsletter has been a vital resource for educators across the country. With tips that range from the practical to the aspirational and even inspirational, The Best of the Marshall Memo is a veritable treasure trove of gems for every educator and education leader who wants to better their schools, districts, and themselves. —John King Jr., Education Trust, former U.S. Secretary of Education
The Marshall Memo has long been educators’ go-to resource for solid research summaries and successful practices. Then the Best of the Marshall Memo books provided well-curated thematic collections of the articles. Now this handy website, which is freely available to all, makes it even easier to find what we need. New features support collegial conversations and discussion threads about the featured topics. And you can even listen while you bike or cook! What more could we ask? —Susan Moore Johnson, Harvard Graduate School of Education
All these years I have cut and pasted my favorite Memo summaries into hundreds of pages of collected goodies -- and now Kim and Jenn have put them all together in a way where I can actually find what I want. Why did it take you so long!!! —Jon Saphier, author/consultant
I have read the Marshall Memo for many years. It is pure gold for teachers and administrators looking for practitioner wisdom to answer thorny problems that won't go away and finesse ever-present dilemmas that need managing. Now made freely available to educators, it is a treasure that Kim Marshall and Jenn David-Lang have given to all of us. Bravo! —Larry Cuban, author/educator
This exceptional site serves the global educational community with research and insight that represents the best of the best in instruction, leadership, and policy. With time the scarcest resource for every educator and school, educators and leaders can trust this website to give them the best evidence on what matters most for student achievement. —Douglas Reeves, author/consultant
For many years, the Marshall Memo has been an invaluable source of the best educational research. It has saved me countless hours and contributed enormously to the quality of my work. Now comes this rich, user-friendly website, which make the Memo’s distilled wisdom more accessible than ever. It deserves to be widely used. —Mike Schmoker, writer/consultant
A treasure trove of the finest leadership and teaching practices and research. A simple keystroke will take you to an abundance of curated articles to support and guide your work in your quest to help all students reap the rich rewards of an excellent education. —Mary Grassa O'Neill, Harvard Graduate School of Education
One of the most challenging aspects in the world of education research, policy, and practice is finding the rare gems hidden in the mountains of content that is out there. Well, look no further. The Best of the Marshall Memo is now online and open access! What a sensational resource and public good for finding the best of what we need to know. —Matthew Kraft, Brown University
I have been following The Marshall Memo for over a decade when I heard about it from my head of school. I quickly learned it was the go-to review for educators wanting to be in the know about the best articles and most useful ideas published in education, and it has never let me down. What a joy that all these entries are now in one organized site that can be searched by topic. This new site is a gold mine for teachers and administrators looking for conversation starters, PD initiatives, and insights from experts and practitioners in the field. This is a one-stop-shop for education nerds! —Alexis Wiggins, educator/author
The Best of Marshall Memo Website featuring 22 areas to leverage teaching, learning and leading is an invaluable professional learning resource. It allows school leaders and teachers to easily identify an area of focus and access resources to take the necessary action steps to improve upon their practice. I also see this website as a helpful tool to support leadership and teacher coaching conversations. —Michelle Penn, New York City Principal & Leadership Development Coach
The Best of the Marshall Memo website is an enormous asset to both educators and school leaders seeking out cutting-edge research on a variety of easily searchable topics. Especially given the time crunch that all educators and school leaders face, the Best of the Marshall Memo website can play an important role in closing the disconnect between research and practice in the field of education. —Scott Seider, Boston College Lynch School of Education
This website is a thoughtful and much needed resource for school/district leaders that finally fills a void. I have used The Marshall Memo as a collaborative tool for my administrative team for many years. When The Best of The Marshall Memo was released in book form, I purchased it right away and it has been my go-to. Having this website at my fingertips with all the additional virtual tools aides with time management, which is a major plus for leaders. —LaJuan White, Syracuse NY Principal
The Best of the Marshall Memo Website looks terrific! I am especially thrilled to note that this website – and the abundant and carefully-selected resources it contains – will be freely available to all. Limited access to high quality research and promising ideas arising from practice has been a frustrating and longstanding constraint to the spread of evidence-informed practice in education, and this well-organized and multifaceted resource addresses that challenge head-on. —Joel Malin, Miami University, Ohio